FAQ english
I cannot switch my radio on, when mains power is not connected?
When the radio is disconnected from power source, the radio is switch totally off; therefore it will take longer time to switch on. Press the on switch until you see light in the display.
How can I see how much battery power there is left on the battery?
Press menu/mode button for 3 sec. Select display settings, press right arrow to display show power status. In this mode the radio will show battery life, and charging status.
I cannot connect a new Bluetooth device to my radio?
Press menu/mode button for 3 sec. Select “Disconnect” settings, select “disconnect” try to pair once more either thru NFC, or on your Bluetooth settings on your device.
How to replace battery?
The battery is concealed behind the cloth front. The battery is designed for a long lifetime, and a new battery and instructions for replacement can be obtained from ircgo.com.
Alarm clock does not work?
The radio is designed at the Alarm clock functions only works, when the radio is connected to mains power. This will preserve the battery lifetime.
What’s the software port for?
If needed IRC can release new software for the radio. If you have registered your product on ircgo.com, will be informed when and if new software is released for your product.
Can I buy other cloth fronts?
We are planning to release new cloth fronts in mores colours during 2015. If you have registered your product on irc go.com, you will be the first to know.
How do I set pre-set stations?
There are no options for settings pre-sets stations. Since DAB is designed to show station name, its very easy just to scroll to selected station, and the radio will tune into this station. For FM the radio will always keep last station played in memory.
Can I buy another leather strap?
Yes as a separate spare part, contact us at irc go.com, we have at this point of time no plans to release colour variations of the leather strap.
There is difference in sound power and quality in Bluetooth mode, depending on device streaming from how come?
Different brands/manufactures is using different Bluetooth solutions, and these have variants in output volume and quality IRC products supports Bluetooth version 4.0 with APTX for optimum sound performance.
I cannot turn on my radio – What should I do?
If your radio fails to turn on, it may be caused by incorrect settings. Please check if the power plug is properly connected and that the power socket is switched on. If the radio still fails to turn on, you can ask your retailer to check your power supply. For further information on how to install your product, download manual under support files below.
My radio is turned on but it does not find any channels – What should I do?
If your radio is turned on, but does not find any channels, you can try to place the radio somewhere else. A second option is to reset the radio. For further information on how to install and reset your radio, download manual under support files below.
FAQ danish
Radioen tænder ikke, når jeg trykker på tænd/sluk-knappen
Når radioen ikke er koblet til lysnettet via det medfølgende kabel, er radioen lukket helt ned; derfor tager det lidt længere tid at tænde den. Blot hold tænd/(sluk-knappen nede indtil du ser lys i displayet.
Hvordan kan jeg se, hvor meget strøm der er tilbage på batteriet?
Tryk menu/mode knappen ned i 3 sekunder. Vælg ”display setting”, tryk højre pil til displayet viser ”power status”. I denne mode viser radioen batteri- og ladestatus.
Jeg kan ikke tilkoble en ny Bluetooth enhed til min radio
Tryk menu/mode knappen ned i 3 sekunder. Vælg ”Disconnect” settings, vælg ”Disconnect” og prøv så at tilkoble igen – enten via NFC, hvis din enhed har NFC, eller via Bluetooth. Bemærk! Hvis den senest tilkoblede enhed er i nærheden – og ej frakoblet – vil du altid skulle resette på The Transistor eller frakoble enheden i dens indstillinger.
Hvordan udskifter jeg batteriet?
Det indbyggede batteri er skjult i bunden af radioen. Det er designet til lang levetid, og et nyt batteri og instruktioner ifht. udskiftning kan fås via ircgo.com.
Alarmfunktionen virker ikke – hvorfor ikke?
For at optimere batteriets levertid er radioen er designet således, at alarmfunktionen kun virker, hvis radioen er tilkoblet lysnettet via kablet.
Hvorfor er der en softwareport på radioen?
Hvis det bliver nødvendigt, kan IRC udgive en ny software til radioen. Hvis du registrerer dit produkt hos ircgo.com, vil du blive informeret hvis der kommer ny software.
Kan jeg købe fronter i andre farver?
Vi markedsfører i løbet af 2015 fronte i flere friske farver. Hvis du har registreret dit produkt på ircgo.com, vil du få meddelse straks de er på markedet.
Hvordan forudindstiller jeg stationer?
Der er ingen mulighed for at pre-sette stationer. Da DAB er designet til at vise stationsnavn, er det meget let at scrolle og vælge en station. For FM vil radioen altid gemme senest spillede station i hukommelsen.
Kan jeg købe en anden læderrem?
Ja, som en separat reservedel via ircgo.com.
Der er forskel på lydstyrke og lydkvalitet i Bluetooth mode afhængig af hvilken enhed jeg streamer fra – hvorfor?
De forskellige producenter af enheder anvender forskellige Bluetooth-løsninger og disse har forskelle I udgangsstyrke og kvalitet. IRC-produkter understøtter Bluetooth version 4.0 med APTX for optimal lyd gengivelse.
Min radio er tændt, man kan ikke finde nogen kanaler – hvad skal jeg gøre?
Prøv at placere radioen et andet sted i huset. En anden mulighed er at resette radioen. For yderligere informationer om hvordan du installerer og resetter din radio, venligst download manual under “support files” eller tag den fra den medfølgende USB-nøgle.
Support files
Support english
Support danish
Support dutch
Support finnish
Support french
Support german
Support italian
Support norwegian
Support polish
Support spanish
Support swedish
Support chinese
DKK 1,499.00 DKK 1,199.00Read more
The Transistor
– DAB+ transistor radio in an elegant, minimalist design with maximum sound experience…
The history of the transistor radio goes back more than 60 years but it is still alive and well. We got inspired by this history and have combined The Transistor with a modern Scandinavian design, however classic, added the newest technology and up-dated the entire control system so that the radio is easily and quickly operated by use of only 6 buttons.
The Transistor has Bluetooth and NFC (Near Field Communication). The built-in Battery guarantees entertainment anywhere up to approx. 6 hours.
What more to say – Experience the sound!
Read the blog from Sofie Haumann http://soulsisterscph.com/?p=35262